Monday, November 23, 2020

Is it Done or Done-Done

Quite often I have discussed with teams whether something is Done or not. Is it Done or really Done, which we call Done-Done. I know I am not the only one struggling with this. 

There have been different reasons for this discussion.

"We don't have any QA in our team." >> Sounds pretty much similar to discussion I once had with one developer. He told me he doesn't need to unit test his code because we have a tester in our team and he can't do her job. Can't or won't? 

>> Also reminds me that in some teams they had historically, before starting to follow Scrum, done so that business experts had tested what ever they had done. Situation changed when the team were forced to start use Scrum board and practices. None of our backlog items were completed during the Sprint because business experts were not available. Even after we tried to discuss with them about schedules and dates.

"We develop in this Sprint and testers test in next Sprint." >> Same team didn't want include testing effort in estimations. They also wanted to close development issues and create new one only for testing. Because testing is not part of coding. They also considered refinement is not a team activity - it is job for business analyst. 

Why I still see teams who consider testing being something happening outside of the team, someone else testing somewhere where developers and testers don't ever meet? I am - also - certified trainer for course "Whole Team Approach for Agile Testing" and I feel really sad when teams don't see the key point - it is team's responsibility.

Today I wrote kind of poem for this. This I will share with my current teams and stakeholders at some point. 

Is it Done or is it Done-Done - that is the question:

Whether it required to be tested

Whether it is enough when developers tested

Whether we prefer manual testers to be involved

Is it Done or is it Done-Done - that is the question:

Whether we have build quality in 

Is Product Owner interested in

Does Customer want fix quickly in

Is it Done or is it Done-Done - this is the answer:

Well-functioning agile teams don’t need two concepts - Done and Done-Done

A PBI is a complete slice of product functionality, 

One that has been designed, built, integrated, tested, and documented 

And will deliver validated customer value

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